In-Time Inventory is a web based inventory tracking software. You can access inventory information from any device, any place and at any time.
Checkout & Check-in Inventory
Checkout and check-in assets effortlessly with In-Time Inventory. Inventory custodians, such as employees can play an active and useful role in keeping inventory information up to date, using our control inversion model.
Mobile Apps
In-Time Inventory offers supporting Android apps and is soon to launch iOS apps in addition to being accessible from any mobile device with a browser. In-Time Inventory mobile apps will have Barcode and QRCode scanning baked right in, saving you cost and rigidity of specialized scanning devices. Scan labels from your smartphone to quickly pull up asset details, whenever and wherever.
Custom Fields
At In-Time Inventory we understand your hospitality business is unique and so is your process for tracking assets. The adoption of a tool is dependent on it utility and ease of adaptation. To allow In-Time Inventory to adapt to your needs, we offer custom fields for assets that include text, numeric, date, multi-select and email alert types.
Inventory Module
Along with assets, consumable items i.e. inventory can also be managed with In-Time Inventory. Track inventory stocks by location with alerts for low stock and insights into stock consumption and replenishments.
Planning an event in the future that requires assets and inventory items to be available? We’ve got you covered with the Reservations module that allows for planning and optimizing usage. Smart alerts through calendar, emails and inbuilt notifications improve efficiency and reduce conflicts for shared assets and inventories.